Affiche: Histoire de la pensée économique - plié

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Affiche "Histoire de la pensée économique"

Taille: 91 x 68 cm 

voir l'image en haute résolution ici



Affiche "Histoire de la pensée économique"

Taille: 91 x 68 cm 

voir l'image en haute résolution ici

The poster gives an overview of the development of economic theory from its beginnings.

It introduces students to the historical roots of economic ideas and their application to contemporary economic policy debates.

An ideal gift for investors, students...

Print and Design Quality: Premium

Condition: New, Original, Sealed Packaging


The Poster includes among others: 

MERCANTILISTS, Thomas MUN 1571-1641, William PETTY 1623-1687, Richard CANTILLON 1680-1734, David HUME 1711-1776, PHYSIOCRATS, Francois QUESNAY 1694-1774, CLASSICAL ECONOMISTS, Adam SMITH 1723-1790, MARXISTS, David RICARDO 1772-1823, Thomas MALTHUS 1766-1834, John Stuart MILL 1806-1873, Antoine-Augustin COURNOT 1801-18, Jeremy BENTHAM 1748-1832, Karl MARX 1818-1883, Friedrich ENGELS 1820-1895, GERMAN HISTORICAL SCHOOL, Wilhelm ROSCHER 1817-1894, Gustav SCHMOLLER 1838-1917, INSTITUTIONALISTS, Thorstein VEBLEN 1857-1929, J.R. COMMONS 1862-1945, MARGINALISTS, GENERAL EQUILIBRIUM, Leon WALRAS 1834-1910, Vilfredo PARETO 1848-1923, William S. JEVONS 1835-1882, Francis EDGEWORTH 1845-1926, THE AUSTRIAN SCHOOL, Carl MENGER 1840-1921, Friedrich von WIESER 1851-1926, Eugen BÖHM-BAWERK 1851-1914, NEOCLASSICAL MAINSTREAM, Oskar LANGE 1904-1965, Maurice DOBB 1900-1976, Knut WICKSELL 1851-1926, Alfred MARSHALL 1842-1924, John Bates CLARK 1847-1938, AGGREGATE DEMAND, KEYNESIAN THEORY, John Maynard KEYNES 1883-1946, Alvin HANSEN 1887-1975, BUSINESS CYCLES, Wesley Clark MITCHELL 1874-1948, SWEDISH SCHOOL, Gunnar MYRDAL, Nobel Prize 1974, QUANTITY THEORY, Irving FISHER, A.C. PIGOU 1877-1959, ECONOMETRIC METHOD, Jan TINBERGEN, Nobel Prize 1969, Ragnar A.K. FRISCH, Lawrence R. KLEIN, Nobel Price 1980, EXTERNALITIES, Erik LINDAHL 1891-1950, IMPERFECT COMPETITION, E.H. CHAMBERLIN 1899-1967, Joan ROBINSON 1903-1983, INTERNATIONAL TRADE THEORY, Bertil OHLIN, Nobel Prize 1977, Jacob VINER 1892-1970, RESOURCE CONSERVATION, Harold HOTELLING 1895-1973, CAPITAL THEORY AND GROWTH, Joseph A. SCHUMPETER 1883-1950, Frank H. KNIGHT 1885-1972, Sir Roy HARROD 1900-1978, Sir John R. HICKS, Nobel Prize 1972, ROLE OF GOVERNMENT PLANNING, Wassily LEONTIEF, Nobel Prize 1973, John Kenneth GALBRAITH 1908-2006, LIBERTARIANISM, Ludwig von MISES 1881-1973, F.A. HAYEK, Milton FRIEDMAN, Nobel Prize 1976, PUBLIC CHOICE, James M. BUCHANAN, Nobel Prize 1986, MACROECONOMIC MEASUREMENT & POLI, Simon KUZNETS, Nobel Prize 1971, Richard STONE, Nobel Prize 1984, Paul A.Samuelson, Nobel Prize 1970, James TOBIN, Nobel Prize 1981, ACTIVE MANAGEMENT, James E. MEADE, Franco MODIGLIANI, Nobel Prize 1985, RULES, EFFICIENCY, Kenneth J. ARROW, Tjalling KOOPMANS, Nobel Prize 1975, Leonid KANTOROVICH, Herbert A. SIMON, Nobel Prize 1978, George STIGLER, Nobel Prize 1982, Gerard DEBREU, Nobel Prize 1983, Maurice ALLAIS, Nobel Prize 1988, EQUITY, Arthur M. OKUN 1928-1980, GROWTH, Theodore W. SCHULTZ, Nobel Prize 1979, Sir W. Arthur LEWIS, Robert M. SOLOW, Nobel Prize 1987, Paul KRUGMAN, Nobel Prize 2008, Edmund S. PHELPS, Nobel Prize 2006, Joseph E. STIGLITZ, Nobel Prize 2001, Robert A. MUNDELL, Nobel Prize 1999, Amartya SEN, Nobel Prize 1998, William VICKREY, Nobel Prize 1996, Robert E. LUCAS, Nobel Prize 1995, John F. NASH, Nobel Prize 1994, Gary S. BECKER, Nobel Prize 1992, Ronald H. COASE, Nobel Prize 1991, Harry M. MARKOWITZ